Yes, you can buy rakhi online in Panipat through same day delivery. MyFlowerTree provides same day rakhi delivery options in many products. So, you can avail of this option at the time of placing the order and send rakhi or rakhi gifts online on the same day.
MyFlowerTree offers a fixed time delivery option to its customers. This option allows you to choose a date as well as a time slot to deliver gifts to your siblings. So, now you can order and send your rakhi or rakhi gifts online at a particular time slot.
MyFlowerTree many types of rakhis on its site that include Peacock Rakhi, Silk Rakhi, Bead Rakhi, Gold Rakhi, Diamond Rakhi, Gemstone Rakhi, Personalised Rakhi, Cartoon Rakhi, Superhero Rakhi, etc.
Yes. You can order and send rakhi online to Panipat from another city. MyFlowerTree has delivery services all over in India. So, if you are not in the town, you can still send your rakhi or rakhi gifts to your siblings in Panipat on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan.