Aries (21st March to 20th April)
People in this category are passionate, determined, confident and enthusiastic about the things that they do. They will like to take some roles and responsibilities and achieve in it apart from the risk associated with it. However, these people tend to get impatient, so easily and most of them will be short-tempered. They hate being lazy and delay in any work.
Taurus (21st April to 21st May)

This sign is promisingly reliable, patient and practical in the regular happenings. They like to work with their hands and they will spend more time to complete any work perfectly. They are very appropriate in making trustworthy employees and friends. However, they will be stubborn and stick to what they think. Moving them out of their thoughts is not an easy task.
Gemini (21st May to 21st June)

They are great in making loyal friends and happy to chat, meet and spend time with their friends. They are lovable, open-minded and good in writing. On the flip side, they are indecisive and inconsistent in their decision. They also dislike and routine and so they like to adopt various people and the environment.
Cancer (22nd June to 22 July)

People under this sign are highly emotional, which is sometimes positive and sometimes negative. They are sympathetic, loyal and caring and they empathise with the people going through some hard times. However, they will be moody, lack patience and sometimes they seem to be a bit selfish as well. They love to relax in or near water areas.
Leo (23 July to 22nd August)

People under Leo love limelight. They are born for stardom and made for several stages. They are naturally creative and funny which makes them beloved by the people around them. They also love to spend more time with friends and doing some expensive things. They also have a downside. As they love to be the centre of attraction, they cannot accept if they are being ignored.
Virgo (23rd August to 23rd September)

They have the habit of paying attention to the details and so they are very particular in analytical, well-organized and hardworking. Sometimes this is their strength, but sometimes it becomes their weakness. They often overly criticize themselves, which will put them under some pressure to finish the thing with perfection. They usually have big hearts, loyal and empathetic, which makes them caregivers and nurses.
Libra (24th September to 23rd October)

They are generally social, outgoing and like to be with someone. They value their individuality and they are proud to be themselves in any situation. They value intellect and like to be stimulated by some thoughtful conversation among their friends and relatives. With their fair mind and gentleness, they can avoid several conflicts at any time.
Scorpio (24th October to 22nd November)

They are generally good leaders and care more for the facts and asserting the truth. They will be trustworthy and they can keep the secrets among themselves. on the downside, they are prone to jealousy that can affect some relationships.
Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December)

They are generally open-minded and have a great sense of humor. They love to travel and explore places and meet new people. They are sincere doers. If they have some plan in their minds, they will struggle to let that happen. They love to be free and independent. So, they will love to behold by someone in someplace particularly.
Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January)

They are more responsible and disciplined. This makes them excel in management roles with the right plans and monitoring. They are perfect with self-control and this sometimes makes them appear to be stand-offish. They love to enjoy music and love their family more than anything else.
Aquarius (20th January to 18 February)
They are deep thinkers and love to help others. They love to make some meaningful conversation and humanitarian work. They are often perceived as shy, but they are outgoing whenever needed. They thrive within a certain community setting and deeply care for people from all walks of life.
Pisces (20th February to 20th march)

They are kind, caring and love to do anything to enjoy life more easily. They love music, romance and they will try to avoid reality. They are much forgiving and overly trusting. They make friendlier and value friendship more.
The Bottom Line
Every sign has both positive and negative behavior by nature. However, you need to know about it. Make use of the positive factors and try to change the negative to the positive one. Also, if you want to give any gifts or want to make feel special someone then you can check online on MyFlowerTree.