Top 5 ways to say Sorry

Having fights in relationships is common and so is apologizing for your mistake. But when your partner gets really upset an refuses you his/her forgiveness, here are some sure shot ways to get it.

Handwritten note '€“ write your apology on a fancy paper that is easily available on any craft store. Also tell them why you love them so much.

sorry handwritten

Favourite food '€“ this one is irresistible. Order or rather cook your partner's favourite food, setup a romantic dining table and place your sorry note there.


Gorgeous flowers '€“ it's impossible not to smile at the sight of some adorable flowers. Send your sorry note with a flower bouquet to set their mood right.


With music'€“you know their favourite playlist so just play it and extend your sorry note when their mood is right.

Post on social media '€“ post images of yourself in an apologetic stance or holding up an '€œI'm Sorry'€  sign on your facebook. This is very cute and adorable.
