Well, here are some suggestions on how you can make your marriage anniversary special:
1. Write a Letter
One of the ways you can make your marriage anniversary special is by writing a poem for your partner. You don't necessarily have to write a letter that is so deliberately romantic that it seems overdone and pretentious. Just be honest to yourself, and write whatever is there in your heart. Whatever you write from your heart, your spouse will definitely love it. You can express whatever your feelings are for them in this letter. As much as your spouse will be glad of reading a heartfelt poem, you will be glad to express your feelings to them as well.
2. Do Something New
An important aspect of marriage is that by deciding to spend your life with one person, you get to know them better with each passing day. That means you can even partake in new hobbies and activities to get to know each other better and spend time together. On your marriage anniversary, plan something and do a new activity together. For instance, watch a play, learn pottery, origami etc. There are a plethora of options to choose from. Just make sure that you two get to spend time with each other.
3. Go on a Weekend Getaway
Another way you can make the marriage anniversary special is by going on a weekend getaway to a nearby location. Our current work schedule is hectic and we all can use a weekend getaway. You can easily plan one a week or two in advance, even though your marriage anniversary is not exactly on the weekend.
Above everything, what is most important is that you spend this with each other and the day will automatically become special.