Halloween's Celtic Origins
Halloween is the scary and momentous holiday of the Celtic year, known as Samhain or Sah-ween. At the end of the summer season, the Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago, thought the barrier between the human world and the world of ghosts got really thin. This meant the weird creatures could easily and effortlessly mingle with the human at this particular time of the year. On the night of the day, they celebrate halloween, when it was believed that the ghosts and spirits returned to earth. As well as, it was believed that at the point of the time the spirits moved to the other world. So, the Celts had a big party which was all about scaring away the ghosts and spirits. According to the beliefs of Celts, it is also important to satisfy the souls of the dead as they couldn't come close to the human.

When Samhain Became Halloween?
The earliest trace of Halloween is the Celtic festival and Samhain which was celebrated as the Celtic New year. It was the day of the dead and they believed the dead souls would be available. Once upon a time, some Christian missionaries wanted to alter the spiritual observances and practices of the Celtic people and from that time the Samhain became Halloween. They built bonfires and burned crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic Gods. People wore the bonfire wearing costumes of animal heads and skins.
American Influences
As the customs of different European ethnic groups and American Indians meshed, the halloween costumes, superstitions, and traditions began to emerge. When Halloween entered American culture, its popularity quickly spread. People would share ghost stories, tell each other's fortune, sing and dance.
Behind The Reason Of Name 'Halloween'
Literally, Halloween means 'All Hallows Eve' or the night before the 'All Hallows', also known as 'All Hallowmas' or 'All Saints', or 'All Souls' day. Roman Catholics used to observe halloween day to honor all saints in heaven. The Romans observed the day intended to give rest and peace to the departed.Â
Halloween Customs And Traditions
The Halloween holiday is celebrated with various customs and traditions around the world due to its good, harmless fun for adults and kids. Traditionally, Halloween celebrations include costume parties, trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, bonfires, bobbing for apples, haunted attractions, and ghost stories. On the night of Halloween day, people wore scary costumes so that weird creatures would mistake them for one of their own and leave them alone. Some people shared sweets with the spirits to satisfy them. Here is a strange tradition where they all come from.

Scary Costumes
The Celts celebrated Halloween by dressing up in elaborate animal skins and heads to disguise themselves as demons so the real spirits couldn't distinguish them as being human. The Halloween ceremonies consisted of telling stories and reading fortunes.
Bobbing for Apples
The tradition of bobbing for apples is traced to a Halloween that honored Pomona, the goddess of agriculture and abundance.
Trick Or Treating
On Halloween day, the poor would call upon the rick folks and request money, food, and gifts.
The word 'bonfire' is derived from ' bone fires'. The celts would bring wood and start their Halloween bonfire festival on the hilltop.
Jack 'O Lanterns
The tradition of Jack 'O Lanterns originates with the celts. Jack is a miserable man who tricked the devil and spirits. He placed a piece of coal into a carved-out turnip and used it as a lantern to keep the devil away. Nowadays, pumpkins are carved into jack o' lanterns, lit and placed outside of the house.
Final Thoughts
The dark history of Halloween is one of the religious traditions, sacrifices, and folklore. Sometimes, it seems strange to understand the reason for these ancient actions, but it is good to know the history of the current practices of Halloween. Doesn't matter how old you are, the Halloween holiday simply never gets old.Still, the special day remains beloved by adults and children alike.