Mixed Roses Bouquet
12 Assorted Roses
Mixed Roses Bouquet
12 Assorted Roses

12 Assorted Roses

Product Id: 861

There are some people who are so important that at times, just one emotion isn't enough to justify how deeply we feel for them. For such people, we have this beautiful Bunch of 12 Assorted Roses that represents various emotions.

Product Contains:

- A Bunch of 12 Assorted Roses

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Review For 12 Assorted Roses
Deliver the bouquet ..
Deliver the bouquet and cake at around 8pm on 24th January
thumb Recommended
Prompt Service ..
Prompt Service
Occasion: Anniversary
thumb Recommended
Booky size is very s..
Booky size is very small
Occasion: Congratulations
thumb Recommended
Prompt response and ..
Prompt response and excellent support!
Thank you!!!
thumb Recommended
Love the service.. I..
Love the service.. It’s a nice way to reach ur near and dear ones
Occasion: Rakhi
thumb Recommended
Very nice thankyou v..
Very nice thankyou very much
Occasion: Birthday
thumb Recommended
Superb ☺️..
Superb ☺️
Occasion: Anniversary
thumb Recommended
Loved the Gift..
Loved the Gift
Occasion: Anniversary
thumb Recommended